Thursday, March 5, 2009

pregnancy talk

one thing yang aku suka bila pregnant ialah mempunyai rambut yang lebat. Kalau you all perasan, bila mengandung, rambutjadi lebat dan cantik. Kena appreciate this sbb apa tau...sbb nanti bila dah beranak, banyak rambut akan gugur. Gugur sampai dekat setahun.

Sekarang bibir aku sangat kering. Mungkin kurang minum plain water. Which is not good at all. Kalau dulu masa 1st trimester lagi teruk..dalam sehari boleh dikatakan 2 gelas air jer aku minum. Itu pun mcm terpaksa. Aku tak tau kenapa. Aku banyak minum coke. Sekarang Alhamdulillah..aku dah tak minum air gas. Cuma few weeks ago aku mengada sikit. Aku asyik nak minum pierre..yang ada campur lime pastu mcm dassy sikit tu. Sedapnyaaa dapat minum. Pregnant kali ni mmg aku mengada sikit la.

Berbalik pada lips aku yg dry ini, walaupun sekarang aku dah banyak minum air still lips aku sgt kering. I read somewhere about DIY lip scrub. Aku telah mencubanya semalam dan aku suka! Tapi kita kena buat sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali seminggu.

Caranya senang saja. Gaulkan petroleum jelly (vaseline) dgn raw sugar.

Before you apply, basahkan bibir dgn warm damp tower. rub gently with the towel until you feel your lips soft. pastu apply the lips scrub yang kita buat tadi to your lips and massage gently. leave it for 10 to 15 min before youu wipe it with damp towel.

Harini bibir masih merekah tapi boleh rasa macam lembut sikit.

I save it in a small container.


aliyahaznin said...

i've checked with my gynea re: b-strep test. he informed that it's compulsory to spore but not here. reason being:

1- the cases not that alarming in msia; plus shortage of medical personnel in public hospital makes this test just an option.
2- spore has more time for so many tests since not many ppl got pregnant there! hahaha! this is one funny reason!

he said unless we experienced too much discharge (smelly, weird color type) then maybe we should do the test. i'm still thinking about it, since so far i have no problem re: discharge and stuffs.

P.S: dia tanya how u know about b-strep? aku ckp my fren in spore told me..he went oooohh singaporeeeeee!! haha!

Moi said...

aku nak nyebok...reason no 2, pathetic nyer..
1. online services - singapore senang nak implement sebab tak ramai orang.
2. sekolah di mesyuarat pibg - sekolah kat singapore senang nak implement sebab dia kecik....

anyway aku setuju pasal rambut.. aku paling suka masa pregnant sebab rambut aku tak gugur. sekali bersalin jerrr depress siot!

Nani Shahabudin said...

but my discharge is a lottt! or maybe it's normal. actually kat singapore pun tak compulsory. tak tau plak sekarang sejak kes baru baru ni yang aku citer kat ko.

Nani Shahabudin said...

moi - hehe. tu komen antarabangsa tuh.

aku pernah tengok dato' mana tah komen mcm ni kat satu talk show dlm tv,
"kalau semua nak saman, nanti macam singapore pulak"...sigh